Hi! My name is Lukas, and I study decentralized distributed systems from the Ethereum and IPFS ecosystems.

I also recently found a new obsession - economics - the Free Markets are fascinating. After all, the Web3 philosophy and the vision of cryptocurrencies only make sense when you understand the dangers of monopolies, centralized planning, and ultimately, fiat currency and its history.

Look, I will be honest with you. I consider myself a libertarian who cherishes traditional conservative values and existing institutions - we stand on the shoulders of giants. However, it's becoming painfully obvious our society needs a bit of refactoring when it comes to trust, accountability, transparency, and money management - here is where blockchain comes into play.

Therefore, if you decide to subscribe - bear with me at the beginning and allow me a few preparatory emails where I will share with you my current learnings from obsessing over Economics, Free Markets, and Money - I hope you will find this content equally intriguing.

PS: If you have any questions, send me a connection request with a note on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/llukac/

Lukas Lukac 2023 - Web3Coach